Danesia McKissick

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“real men aka me hex people, we don’t nsay ‘based’ we say, kill.”

Dan, age 20
Dan was doxxed so hard, a goon found her own ultrasound photos on her mom's Myspace.

This article is a part of The Misadventures of Dan

Danesia Shannon Danielle McKissick (/dənjiʃə mək'ɪsɪk/; born April 20, 2003) is a well known and quite popular American artist and internet personality who is known for her insane behavior and engaging history. She is recognized for her distinctive online presence characterized by unusual behavior. Under her online pseudonym "AndientArt"[1][2] or simply "Dan,"[3] she has garnered significant attention as a figure whose life story underscores the consequences of unaddressed mental illness.

Online Persona

Dan is most notably recognized by her online persona, "AndientArt." Under this alias, she has cultivated a substantial following across various social media platforms, where she shares her art, thoughts, and experiences. Her internet presence is characterized by unconventional behavior and a mysterious illicit history, which has piqued the curiosity of many followers, but Dan wants it covered up.[4]

Early Life

Dan and Andr'e as children
Dan’s childhood

Dan was born on April 20, 2003, in Mesa, Arizona, to parents Shirliemay McKissick and Stacey Dennis. However, her early years were marked by a significant event that prompted her family to relocate to South Paris, Maine. The specific nature of this event, referred to as "something," remains undisclosed, though some have speculated it involved her father. Despite her father's absence for the majority of her life, her brother, Andr'e, kept her company.


From a very young age, Dan loved to draw anthropomorphic animal characters. Beginning with Five Nights at Freddy’s and My Little Pony, Dan’s skills only grew. Because of the subject of her illustrations and her romantic attraction to characters such as Pythor and Freddy Fazbear, her mother had her psychologically evaluated because she viewed it as an unhealthy obsession. More recently, Dan had claimed that she mostly draws art that she’s attracted to; “that’s why [Dan] draws men”.

For more information about the characters she draws, please see: Category:Characters


After attending Paris Elementary School, she excelled through Oxford Hills Middle School, Dan quickly adapted to the east coast and the small town culture of South Paris, meeting Megan, a lifelong friend. Dan ultimately stagnated in High School due to her fascination with the furry subculture and drama. Dan graduated from Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in the class of 2021, going on to attend Central Maine Community College seeking a degree in psychology.

The Misadventures of Dan

Akela welcomes back Dan [5]

Dan has a habit of getting utterly intertwined in drama to such a degree that she basically breaks the fabric of the internet.

Dan in various Anti Servers

The CringePolice, an anti-zoo and predator-focused Discord server, gained notoriety within its community, primarily due to its unsettling mix of minors and frequent dramatic incidents. Shockingly, there is documented evidence of a designated explicit content room within the server that was accessible to all members, and explicit material was indeed shared there. However, what truly intensified the server's infamy was the revelation that its leader, Jane, had been exposed as a child predator.

What further muddied the waters of this unsettling situation was the enduring partnership between Dan and Jane. Their collaboration had a lengthy history, and when tensions escalated, particularly in response to issues involving the Overwatch server overseen by Nek, Dan played a pivotal role in advising Jane on how to "clean up" their server. This ambiguous directive seemed to amount to an effort to obscure, rather than rectify, the disturbing occurrences within the CringePolice, further raising questions about their true intentions.

Dan tells Jeremiah (Smealm) to “suck a shotgun”

In the Phi Legion, Dan (at the time going by Benja), a prominent figure and admin, stood as a key player in the ever-evolving anti-zoo and predator community. Phi Legion, the brainchild of Zoophobes, a noteworthy individual renowned for maintaining one of the most substantial anti-zoo Twitter accounts, had gained widespread recognition within these activist circles. However, it was no secret that Phi Legion boasted a considerable number of underage members, raising concerns about its operations.

Dan's involvement extended beyond her administrative duties; she was instrumental in urging the deletion and erasure of all historical Phi Legion logs and conversations before the group's reopening. This covert maneuver was ostensibly framed as an effort to "fix" the situation, but many suspected its true purpose was to conceal incriminating information. Such clandestine actions only added to the intrigue surrounding Phi Legion's activities.

Dan as "Zoophile Struggle Tweets" 2021

Dan reminisces on her time as Zoostruggs

Back in 2021, Dan was the “mouse moderator” of Zoophile Struggle Tweets,[4] a harassment account. On this account she pretended to be a 20 year old male named Benja or Jason. Under the guise of anonymity she exposed minors to csem and beast pornography. She knew this was distribution and even tweeted that she doesn’t do it because it’s distribution (while actively doing it). She did this on Twitter and in her private discord servers.

Dan's Instagram drama


Dan, Oliver, and TransphobicLss

Dan downplays Oliver being a literal child abuser

Dan worked with Oliver on a Zrcalo exposé before creating TransphobicLss. Dan decided on making Oliver a mod, even when Dan knew that Oliver was a zoosadist and an offending, pro-contact pedophile, but she attempted to cover it up to spite Zrcalo. Oliver continued to abuse kids under Dan’s nose but it went unaddressed until Oliver’s public exposé. After Oliver was exposed, Dan attempted to minimize his wrongdoings and said that the victims lied about him despite undeniable proof. This, along with her abuse of other minors,[6] was a key part in the downfall of Lss.

Dan Vs. Smealm

Dan’s fight with Smealm started back in 2021, and is still raging today. Smealm originally called out Dan for lying about a minor, and using her platform to tell anyone who opposed her to “suck a shotgun”. Dan claimed that a kid was xenophobic and racist for asking about neo-pronouns (since he didn’t understand), but because this kid was one of Dan’s enemies, it was twisted and used to attack him.

Dan was once again called out by Smealm due to her involvement with her friend, a groomer, Jane. Dan helped Jane cover up multiple incidents, even going on to assist in helping her conceal her behavior in the future. Dan’s response to this was to accuse Smealm of spreading CSEM, and to call him a racist transphobe without evidence.

Shit Dan has done to cause this Wiki to exist

Dan is a dangerous individual. Do not talk to her. No lolcow touching. No lolcow tipping. This is the reason why this wiki exists to document this absolute clusterfuck of a situation.

Expose kids to beast/child porn


Predatory behavior towards minors

Dan admits to spreading csem… while also denying it


Support offending and pro-contact pedophiles


Support bestialists and pro-contact zoophiles


Harass victims of sexual abuse and harassment by teaming up with their abusers


Constantly Play victim by lying about her age


Doxxing, Harassment, Blackmail


Dan's Constant Identity Crises

Dan has a habit of getting utterly intertwined in drama to such a degree that she basically breaks the fabric of the internet.

Dan as Jason

Main article: Jason
The icon Dan used

In 2021, Dan went by the name Jason,[4] and pretended to be a gay blonde twink while using he/him pronouns. This alias was used on the DadCh0mpz and Queerocynical accounts along with pictures of a white man in his 20s, which Dan claimed were photos of her. Dan also said several drawings of "Jason" was also her. One such drawing ended up being revealed as a miscolor of Axl. Leading some observers to believe that "Jason" was actually just blonde Axl. This was confirmed by Dan.

Dan as Benja

Main article: Benja

When confronted by Zrcalo, Dan changed her name from "Jason" to "Benja". Vehemently insisting that she "Was not Jason" Even though the account "Dadch0mpz" was the same. Benja Is an interesting choice since one of her characters' names was "Ben" or "Benjamin". This character is Axl's brother, who evidently was very abusive and psychotic.

Dan as TransphobicLss

Main article: TransphobicLss
Dan impersonating someone[7]

Dan created TransphobicLss after she made a truce with Zrcalo and Dog. Lss was created for the sole purpose of going behind their backs. Dan denied any involvement with the account. She ran cover for the other mods of the account, claiming people weren’t on the account (when it was later confirmed that they were) such as confirmed pedophiles.

Dan was eventually betrayed by the other moderators of Lss and her close allies, the reason for this was her repeated abuse of minors and her constant defense of predators.

Fan theories regarding gender/identity

Dan says that Axl is the perfect version of herself and how she sees herself, along with using he/him pronouns and the axl icon on the D0llz discord and “blonde axl” as a representation of herself for a year, some speculate that this is the “true dan”


Dan’s personality Test [8]

Dan has shown traits of narcissm and histrionic personality disorder. She has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and in an image she posted, a diagnosis was censored. "Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD)" fits what's poorly censored. In addition, Dan has more recently received a diagnosis of Autism, resulting in a complex array of symptoms that may help us understand her behavior.

The below quote is also interesting to note, as it was said to Zrcalo, who was diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. Dan is not diagnosed schizophrenic, despite her family history.

“Stop calling people schizophrenic ❤️ its highly triggering to schizophrenic people”

Possible Causes and Similarities

It has been theorized because of her upbringing and what she's said about herself (She said she was molested as a kid and that she didn't know it was wrong. She stated that she was "helped me when it was too late".) as well as her mother breaking up with her birth father and moving across the country abruptly, that something terrible happened in her family. Though her dad has no arrests or is on any sex offender registry. We can only theorize based on her own words and behaviors what happened. It is a high possibility that someone in her family committed the crime that traumatized Dan, though no proof of this exists.

It has been theorized that she has Haltlose Personality Disorder, although not currently recognized as a diagnosis in the United States, shares significant similarities with HPD. It often stems from early parental trauma or experiences of being used as an object of sexual abuse. Individuals with Haltlose Personality Disorder often exhibit behaviors akin to those seen in HPD. Many individuals with these diagnoses come from a family dynamic characterized by an overprotective and domineering mother figure (confirmed through her own words), coupled with a weak or absent father figure, and no one else to run to. It is important to note that Just because someone has an incredibly traumatic upbringing that it does not excuse active personal choices, especially when those choices have been proven and told the the individual that they are bad or false. Does this make Dan a "victim"? Dan is a product of her own upbringing, but her own personal active choices as an adult she is responsible for. She has repeatedly said that she was "a minor" when her birthday clearly showed she was 18 or above 18.

There has been many cases of dan being accused of being a pedophile. As well as many cases of her being incredibly soft on offending pedophiles. It has been proven and documented that dan is predatory towards minors.

“Man I used to think it was normal too when I was younger

pedophilia that is

but I had someone who helped me when it was too late”

Social Presentation

Dan can come across as charming, displaying apparent emotional warmth. However, this charm is often accompanied by increased suggestibility and superficiality, making it challenging to form deep, meaningful connections with others. One striking aspect of Dan's condition is her apparent indifference to the needs of others. She tends to prioritize her own pleasure and desires in the present moment, without genuine concern for the well-being of those around her. Furthermore, Dan exhibits an inability to learn from past experiences and a lack of authentic remorse for her actions.

Gender and Sexuality

Dan identifies as a Gender-fluid Asexual, she currently uses she/her pronouns, but has used he/him and she/they in the past. However, Dan has expressed that she has a paraphilia known as fictophilia which is the attraction to fictional characters, which she exhibits in the content she makes of her characters.

“Sucki wucky my fat ass dick”


  • Dan believes that pro-shipping is fine as long as it is kept private. Her concern with the content is that she “doesn’t want to see it”.
  • Dan believes in pro-recovery for Zoophiles, Pedophiles, and Zoosadists.
