Furs United

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Revision as of 04:48, 15 October 2023 by James (talk | contribs) (Created page with "alt=The Furs__United logo, a red paw image over "Furs United" in purple text over a light gray background.|thumb|The Furs__United logo. Furs__United is a "group" account on Twitter that is run by Shasha<ref>https://archive.ph/pkjjK</ref>, that includes a Discord server. This account claims to be an activism organization against pedophilia and zoophilia in the furry fandom. It appears that this account aims to combat t...")
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The Furs__United logo, a red paw image over "Furs United" in purple text over a light gray background.
The Furs__United logo.

Furs__United is a "group" account on Twitter that is run by Shasha[1], that includes a Discord server.

This account claims to be an activism organization against pedophilia and zoophilia in the furry fandom. It appears that this account aims to combat these issues through documentation of drama to peacefully resolve conflicts.[2]

To date, this organization has not been active.
