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Anti-Flag by ZAPF coalition

“Anti-contact,” often abbreviated as “anti-c” or “anti c”, is an ideological stance. It is used to describe people who are against sexual contact with most commonly children and animals (sometimes necrophilia and other paraphilias, but that is less common). It is not related to having a paraphilia. It is a belief that can be held by anyone.

Anti-Contact Zoophile reasons

The core ideology of anti-contact is that animals cannot either consent to sexual contact or that it is morally wrong to have sexual contact with animals for whatever reason. These reasons can be as vast as "They have the mentality of a child" to "I am a vegan". Here are some common reasons people are anti-contact:

  1. Animals cannot consent to sexual contact because they have the mentality or IQ of a child. This is comparing animals to human children in intelligence levels and interaction levels. Support includes data that animals do not have the understanding necessary to make decisions on sexual contact with a human and the fallout or results of such contact. Criticisms include: comparing human children to animals and the idea of an animal to choose another animal to consent with.
  2. Domestic animals (most zoophiles are attracted to domesticated animals) are owned by humans, and do not have the ability to seek another partner of their own species that they like. This stems from the limitations and constraints of ownership. As an example: Most people do not have a ton of dogs that they can choose a partner with. If people have a ton of dogs, those dogs are usually constrained by the limitations of ownership.
  3. The lack of an ability to understand the consequences of their own actions. This fits with the "mentality/IQ of a child" but is more specific to the ideology that if they were aware that their human partner could get in trouble or have social consequences, that they would reject the notion of having sex. Because of the inability to understand human ramifications with their actions, the idea that "animals cannot consent to humans" is based on the animals dismissive nature for the social ramifications of their actions on their partner.
  4. Humans cannot consent to animals. Yes this one's a bit weird, but is interesting nonetheless. Animals being primal in nature and usually forceful in what they want and what motives they have, force their sexual advances on humans who may or may not be receptive of these interactions. Such behavior is animals humping humans against their will, individuals who are inebriated or incapacitated being mounted, minors or children feeling they lack the choice of any other partner, or other reasons where a human may be receptive in the moment or feel they have no other options, or other reasons that are either non-consensual or based on dubious consent. This reiterates the animal as primal and dismissive of the emotional and physical needs of a human.
  5. Religious, legal, or social beliefs. People may be anti-contact because the Bible said not to, it's illegal, or it has social stigma. That's pretty simple.

These are some common reasons. There are other's out there, but these have a very well known historical and social presence.

Anti-Contact Pedophile reasons

The core ideology of anti-contact is that children cannot either consent to sexual contact or that it is morally wrong to have sexual contact with children for whatever reason. These reasons can be as vast as "They have a low IQ." to "Jesus told me not to". Here are some common reasons people are anti-contact:

  1. The minds of children are not sufficiently developed yet, and they are therefore not capable of comprehending the concept of consent yet.
  2. Due to their legal status as minors, they are subject to abuse of power by adults and have significantly less autonomy than adults do.
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  5. Religious, legal, or social beliefs. People may be anti-contact because the Bible said not to, it's illegal, or it has social stigma. That's pretty simple.

These are some common reasons. There are other's out there, but these have a very well known historical and social presence.