ZooSadist Investigation Squad (ZSIS)

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On September 26th 2018, the most important investigation group was created: Z.S.I.S. The “ZooSadist Investigation Squad”, headed by Zrcalo and Akela, was responsible for collecting evidence and conducting investigations into the suspects of the leaks. It was a group made to bridge the gap between the people who leaked the zoosadist logs (Akela), Twitter users, Youtubers, Kiwi Farms, and a few other individual investigation groups.

The intel was disseminated throughout to the other investigation groups as well as the authorities.



The reason ZSIS has been the target of criticism has been because of its approach to the investigations. ZSIS united the entire fandom together in order to bring justice against zoosadists. Since people could work together regardless of beliefs, ZSIS was an easy scapegoat and a target for clout chasers. (See: The Furvengers)

‘Leaking’ ruined the Investigations

The claim that ZSIS compromised investigations by posting Kero’s “ZooX18” account is false.

ZSIS did release Kero’s account to the public, but this did not compromise any investigation. Kero got away on a technicality related to the statute of limitations. The account was shared to aid other investigators and for public awareness.

The Statute of Limitations to prosecute Kero compared to the start of the ZooSadist investigations.

This video by ‘archive the wolf’ goes in depth on the root cause of the investigation’s failure. It includes the statute of limitations and how the investigation was mostly separate from the Zoosadist Leaks.